Awareness of Classical and Advanced Hematology Concepts among Medical Postgraduates in Kerala: A Cross-Sectional Study

  • Aakash Chozakade Believers Medical College Hospital, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India
  • Bobby Abraham Believers Medical College Hospital, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India
  • Anupa Jacob Believers Medical College Hospital, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India
  • Bonnie Anna George Believers Medical College Hospital, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India
  • Chepsy Philip Haemato-lymphoid Oncology & Marrow Diseases, Believers Church Medical College Hospital, Thiruvalla, Kerala


Background: Clinical hematology is advancing rapidly, addressing both benign and malignant blood disorders. However, in Kerala, specialized hematology services remain limited. We undertook a survey to evaluate the awareness of classical and emerging hematology concepts among medical postgraduates in Kerala.
Methods: A cross-sectional, web-based survey was conducted using a 30-item multiple-choice questionnaire. It assessed knowledge of classical hematology topics and advanced therapies (e.g., bone marrow transplantation, CAR-T therapy, Next-Generation Sequencing [NGS]). Respondents’ knowledge was categorized as Excellent (≥85%), Good (70–84%), Satisfactory (50–69%), or Needs Improvement (<50%). Awareness levels were further stratified into high (>90%), moderate (75–90%), partial (50–75%), and low (<50%).
Results: Among respondents, 30% demonstrated excellent knowledge, 36.7% good, 30% satisfactory, and 3.3% needed improvement. High awareness (>90%) was observed in the clinical features of aplastic anemia (93.2%), multiple myeloma (97.7%), and the role of NGS (100%). Moderate awareness (75–90%) included immunosuppressive therapy for aplastic anemia (81.8%) and CAR-T therapy (81.8%). Partial awareness (50–75%) was noted for viral associations with aplastic anemia (52.3%) and autologous transplantation for multiple myeloma (68.2%). Low awareness (<50%) was seen in peripheral smear findings for aplastic anemia (43.2%) and diagnostic tools for multiple myeloma (SPEP 34.1%, bone marrow biopsy 36.4%).
Conclusion: While awareness of traditional concepts is strong, areas such as CAR-T therapy side effects, diagnostic tools, and transplant options could benefit from educational interventions. Establishing dedicated hematology departments and incorporating these topics into postgraduate curricula could bridge these gaps.

Author Biography

Chepsy Philip, Haemato-lymphoid Oncology & Marrow Diseases, Believers Church Medical College Hospital, Thiruvalla, Kerala

 MD, DM, Regional Advanced Centre for Transplant

How to Cite
Chozakade, A., Abraham, B., Jacob, A., George, B., & Philip, C. (2024). Awareness of Classical and Advanced Hematology Concepts among Medical Postgraduates in Kerala: A Cross-Sectional Study. Kerala Medical Journal, 17(4), 200-206.
Original Research