Study on the Awareness and Practice Regarding Safe Food Handling Practice among Women above the Age of 18 years of Rural Urban & Tribal Areas in Kannur District

  • R Nithya Dr SMCSI Medical College, Karakonam.
  • Suba Joice Dr SMCSI Medical College, Karakonam
Keywords: Food handlers, Personal hygiene practices, Safe food handling


The importance of safe food handling is to teach everyone mainly those handling kitchen in how they can help to prevent contaminants from getting onto the food. Today more than ever, we are threatened with the possibility of food poisoning and lethal bacteria that have proved to be extremely deadly. We need to make the people aware on how to prevent these problems and learn how to combat them by taking as many precautious measures as possible.
Objectives of the Study
To assess the knowledge of women regarding safe food handling practices in tribal urban & rural area.
To identify the practice regarding food hygiene in women of rural urban & tribal area.
Methodology: Descriptive cross sectional study design. Community based study in Kannur District involving women who handles the kitchen above the age of 18 years using self administrated structures questionnaire.
Results: The study conducted among 150 women above the age group of 18, with 50 each from rural urban and tribal group and the results were analysed.
Conclusions: Among the study population of 150 women, each from Urban, Rural and Tribal areas, it was found that 30% of the tribal population was unaware of safe food handling practices while only 4% and 12% of urban and rural population respectively were unaware of it.

Author Biographies

R Nithya, Dr SMCSI Medical College, Karakonam.

MBBS Student

Suba Joice, Dr SMCSI Medical College, Karakonam

Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine

How to Cite
Nithya, R., & Joice, S. (2017). Study on the Awareness and Practice Regarding Safe Food Handling Practice among Women above the Age of 18 years of Rural Urban & Tribal Areas in Kannur District. Kerala Medical Journal, 10(1), 11-17.
Original Research