Association of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease with Renal Stone Disease detected on Computed Tomography

  • Rustam Singh Kaurav Department of Urology, Government Medical College
  • S Vasudevan Government Medical College, Trivandrum
Keywords: Renal Stone, Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Urolithiasis, Computer Tomography, Concomitant Diagnosis, Association


Introduction: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has been recognized as a liver manifestation of the metabolic syndrome. NAFLD is defined as the presence of at least 5% of the fat component in the liver without any other liver disease. Recent studies concluded that NAFLD has no direct association with renal function and mild renal function abnormality may have similar risk factors or disease process. Recently, we noticed a concomitant diagnosis of both fatty liver and renal stones disease in same patient on the basis of computed tomography (CT) finding in routine daily practice. Literature reviews by using Pubmed articles demonstrate only two recent studies were performed and revealed the association between fatty liver and renal stone disease.
Objective: To evaluate the association between Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) with renal stone disease detected on computed tomography (CT).
Materials and Method: A total 250 patients who underwent abdomen-pelvis CT in 2016-17 were included in this study. All of the studies were performed on the same Dual Source CT. Fatty liver and nephrolithiasis were determined based on ultrasound and CT scan findings. The statistical significance of the association between NAFLD and renal stone disease was assessed using Chi Square Test. The Odds ratios and 95% CI were calculated to assess the propensity of renal stones disease for NAFLD by using Logistic Regression analysis.
Result: Among the 250 cases, there were 200 men (80%) and 50 women (20%).Association of fatty liver and stone was higher in men (28%) compare to female (12%).The association between NAFLD and nephrolithiasis was more prominent in cases less than 50 years of age than in those older than 50 years (p for interaction<0.001).
Conclusion: The present study indicates that the prevalence of Urolithiasis is significantly higher in the NAFLD than healthy subjects. This result suggests that NAFLD may be involved in the mechanism of onset of Urolithiasis.

Author Biographies

Rustam Singh Kaurav, Department of Urology, Government Medical College

Senior Resident

S Vasudevan, Government Medical College, Trivandrum

Professor, Department of Urology

How to Cite
Kaurav, R., & Vasudevan, S. (2018). Association of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease with Renal Stone Disease detected on Computed Tomography. Kerala Medical Journal, 11(1), 18-22.
Original Research