Ruptured Sigmoid Urinary Pouch following Blunt Abdominal Trauma

  • Rakesh Ranjan Government Medical College, Trivandrum.
  • S Vasudevan Government Medical College, Trivandrum 
  • Rustam Singh Kaurav Government Medical College, Trivandrum
  • Narain Kewlani Government Medical College, Trivandrum.
  • R Sunil Government Medical College, Trivandrum.
Keywords: Blunt Trauma, Sigmoid Urinary Pouch, Neobladder


19 year old male presented with abdominal pain and constipation since 2 days, with history of trauma to abdomen 2 days back while playing with a ball. He has h/o multiple urological procedures for ectopia vesicae with epispadiasis. Repair with Jeff’s functional bladder was done in 1997 and Kelly’s repair was done on 4/8/2000. USG abdomen showed moderate free fluid in peritoneal cavity with septations, possibly collection. Exploratory laparotomy was performed. 200-300ml of clear fluid present at right iliac fossa, minimal pus flakes, 1 x 0.5 cm defect at sigmoid urinary pouch was detected with no other bowel or solid organ injury. Primary repair of ruptured sigmoid urinary pouch was done. Patient recovery progressed uneventfully.

Author Biographies

Rakesh Ranjan, Government Medical College, Trivandrum.

Senior Residents, Department of Urology

S Vasudevan, Government Medical College, Trivandrum 

Professor, Department of Urology

Rustam Singh Kaurav, Government Medical College, Trivandrum

Senior Resident, Department of Urology

Narain Kewlani, Government Medical College, Trivandrum.

Senior Resident, Department of Urology 

R Sunil, Government Medical College, Trivandrum.

Senior Resident, Department of Urology

How to Cite
Ranjan, R., Vasudevan, S., Kaurav, R., Kewlani, N., & Sunil, R. (2017). Ruptured Sigmoid Urinary Pouch following Blunt Abdominal Trauma. Kerala Medical Journal, 10(4), 156-158.
Case Series / Case Report