Understanding Stress Disorders

  • Roy Abraham Kallivayalil Medical College, Kottayam- 686 008.
Keywords: Stress disorders, Types of stress, Detection of stress


Stress disorders can affect anyone at any point in life. The incidence of stress disorders, adjustment disorders and suicide are on the rise. Adolescents and students are especially vulnerable to the ill effects of stress. Stressful life events can increase the susceptibility to infections and other diseases in all human beings. The meaning of stress is different for different people. The impact of stress on the individual is affected by stress modifiers like strengths of the individual, the support systems available to him and his prior mastery in handling stress. Stress in hospitals is an emerging theme due to enforced life style changes and the demands involved to deal with the hospital staff. Concerns about investigations and treatment are often stressful for patients.
Recognition, assessment and management of stress and stress related conditions should be an essential theme for all medical professionals
This article describes the types of stress disorders and their clinical manifestations.

Author Biography

Roy Abraham Kallivayalil, Medical College, Kottayam- 686 008.

Professor & Head, Department of Psychiatry

How to Cite
Kallivayalil, R. (2009). Understanding Stress Disorders. Kerala Medical Journal, 2(3), 67-68. https://doi.org/10.52314/kmj.2009.v2i3.134